"MonoBehaviour position": {
"prefix": "transform.position",
"description": "Sets or gets the position of the Transform in world space.",
"body": ["transform.position"]
"MonoBehaviour localPosition": {
"prefix": "transform.localPosition",
"description": "Sets or gets the position of the Transform relative to its parent.",
"body": ["transform.localPosition"]
"MonoBehaviour rotation": {
"prefix": "transform.rotation",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform in world space.",
"body": ["transform.rotation"]
"MonoBehaviour localRotation": {
"prefix": "transform.localRotation",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform relative to its parent.",
"body": ["transform.localRotation"]
"MonoBehaviour eulerAngles": {
"prefix": "transform.eulerAngles",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform in Euler angles (in world space).",
"body": ["transform.eulerAngles"]
"MonoBehaviour localEulerAngles": {
"prefix": "transform.localEulerAngles",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform in Euler angles (relative to its parent).",
"body": ["transform.localEulerAngles"]
"MonoBehaviour localScale": {
"prefix": "transform.localScale",
"description": "Sets or gets the local scale of the Transform.",
"body": ["transform.localScale"]
"MonoBehaviour Translate": {
"prefix": "transform.Translate()",
"description": "Moves the Transform in the direction and distance of translation.",
"body": ["transform.Translate($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour Rotate": {
"prefix": "transform.Rotate()",
"description": "Rotates the Transform by a specified amount.",
"body": ["transform.Rotate($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour LookAt": {
"prefix": "transform.LookAt()",
"description": "Rotates the Transform to look at a specified point in world space.",
"body": ["transform.LookAt($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour SetParent": {
"prefix": "transform.SetParent()",
"description": "Sets the parent of the Transform.",
"body": ["transform.SetParent($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour DetachChildren": {
"prefix": "transform.DetachChildren()",
"description": "Detaches all child Transforms from the parent.",
"body": ["transform.DetachChildren()"]
"MonoBehaviour GetChild": {
"prefix": "transform.GetChild()",
"description": "Gets the child Transform at the specified index.",
"body": ["transform.GetChild($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour childCount": {
"prefix": "transform.childCount",
"description": "Gets the number of children of the Transform.",
"body": ["transform.childCount"]
"MonoBehaviour Find": {
"prefix": "transform.Find()",
"description": "Finds a child Transform by name.",
"body": ["transform.Find($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour velocity": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.velocity",
"description": "Sets or gets the velocity of the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.velocity"]
"MonoBehaviour AddForce": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.AddForce()",
"description": "Applies a force to the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.AddForce($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour SetInt": {
"prefix": "PlayerPrefs.SetInt()",
"description": "Sets an integer value in PlayerPrefs.",
"body": ["PlayerPrefs.SetInt(\"$1\", $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour GetInt": {
"prefix": "PlayerPrefs.GetInt()",
"description": "Gets an integer value from PlayerPrefs.",
"body": ["PlayerPrefs.GetInt(\"$1\")"]
"MonoBehaviour Log": {
"prefix": "Debug.Log()",
"description": "Logs a message to the Unity Console.",
"body": ["Debug.Log(\"$1\")"]
// Rigidbody2D section
"MonoBehaviour angularVelocity": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.angularVelocity",
"description": "Sets or gets the angular velocity of the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.angularVelocity"]
"MonoBehaviour gravityScale": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.gravityScale",
"description": "Sets or gets the gravity scale for Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.gravityScale"]
"MonoBehaviour mass": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.mass",
"description": "Sets or gets the mass of the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.mass"]
"MonoBehaviour drag": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.drag",
"description": "Sets or gets the linear drag of the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.drag"]
"MonoBehaviour angularDrag": {
"prefix": "Rigidbody2D.angularDrag",
"description": "Sets or gets the angular drag of the Rigidbody2D.",
"body": ["Rigidbody2D.angularDrag"]
// Audio section
"MonoBehaviour AudioSource.clip": {
"prefix": "AudioSource.clip",
"description": "Sets or gets the audio clip assigned to the AudioSource.",
"body": ["AudioSource.clip"]
"MonoBehaviour AudioSource.volume": {
"prefix": "AudioSource.volume",
"description": "Sets or gets the volume of the AudioSource.",
"body": ["AudioSource.volume"]
"MonoBehaviour AudioSource.pitch": {
"prefix": "AudioSource.pitch",
"description": "Sets or gets the pitch of the AudioSource.",
"body": ["AudioSource.pitch"]
"MonoBehaviour AudioSource.mute": {
"prefix": "AudioSource.mute",
"description": "Sets or gets whether the AudioSource is muted.",
"body": ["AudioSource.mute"]
"MonoBehaviour AudioSource.loop": {
"prefix": "AudioSource.loop",
"description": "Sets or gets whether the AudioSource should loop.",
"body": ["AudioSource.loop"]
// Time section
"MonoBehaviour deltaTime": {
"prefix": "Time.deltaTime",
"description": "The time passed since the last frame.",
"body": ["Time.deltaTime"]
"MonoBehaviour time": {
"prefix": "Time.time",
"description": "The time since the game started.",
"body": ["Time.time"]
"MonoBehaviour timeScale": {
"prefix": "Time.timeScale",
"description": "The time scale used by Time-based methods.",
"body": ["Time.timeScale"]
// Game Management
"MonoBehaviour Application.Quit": {
"prefix": "Application.Quit()",
"description": "Quits the game.",
"body": ["Application.Quit()"]
"MonoBehaviour Application.isPlaying": {
"prefix": "Application.isPlaying",
"description": "Returns whether the game is playing.",
"body": ["Application.isPlaying"]
// Colors section
"MonoBehaviour Color.red": {
"prefix": "Color.red",
"description": "The red color value.",
"body": ["Color.red"]
"MonoBehaviour Color.blue": {
"prefix": "Color.blue",
"description": "The blue color value.",
"body": ["Color.blue"]
"MonoBehaviour Color.green": {
"prefix": "Color.green",
"description": "The green color value.",
"body": ["Color.green"]
"MonoBehaviour Color.black": {
"prefix": "Color.black",
"description": "The black color value.",
"body": ["Color.black"]
"MonoBehaviour Color.white": {
"prefix": "Color.white",
"description": "The white color value.",
"body": ["Color.white"]
// Transform section
"MonoBehaviour position": {
"prefix": "transform.position",
"description": "Sets or gets the position of the Transform in world space.",
"body": ["transform.position"]
"MonoBehaviour Translate": {
"prefix": "transform.Translate()",
"description": "Moves the Transform in the direction and distance of translation.",
"body": ["transform.Translate($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour eulerAngles": {
"prefix": "transform.eulerAngles",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform in Euler angles (in world space).",
"body": ["transform.eulerAngles"]
"MonoBehaviour Rotate": {
"prefix": "transform.Rotate()",
"description": "Rotates the Transform by a specified amount.",
"body": ["transform.Rotate($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour rotation": {
"prefix": "transform.rotation",
"description": "Sets or gets the rotation of the Transform in world space.",
"body": ["transform.rotation"]
"MonoBehaviour LookAt": {
"prefix": "transform.LookAt()",
"description": "Rotates the Transform to look at a specified point in world space.",
"body": ["transform.LookAt($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour RotateAround": {
"prefix": "transform.RotateAround()",
"description": "Rotates the Transform around a specific point and axis in world space.",
"body": ["transform.RotateAround($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour localScale": {
"prefix": "transform.localScale",
"description": "Sets or gets the local scale of the Transform.",
"body": ["transform.localScale"]
// Vector3 section
"MonoBehaviour Lerp": {
"prefix": "Vector3.Lerp()",
"description": "Interpolates between two Vector3 points.",
"body": ["Vector3.Lerp($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour Distance": {
"prefix": "Vector3.Distance()",
"description": "Returns the distance between two Vector3 points.",
"body": ["Vector3.Distance($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour ClampMagnitude": {
"prefix": "Vector3.ClampMagnitude()",
"description": "Clamps the magnitude of a Vector3 to a maximum value.",
"body": ["Vector3.ClampMagnitude($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour forward": {
"prefix": "Vector3.forward",
"description": "A vector representing the forward direction.",
"body": ["Vector3.forward"]
"MonoBehaviour right": {
"prefix": "Vector3.right",
"description": "A vector representing the right direction.",
"body": ["Vector3.right"]
"MonoBehaviour up": {
"prefix": "Vector3.up",
"description": "A vector representing the up direction.",
"body": ["Vector3.up"]
"MonoBehaviour zero": {
"prefix": "Vector3.zero",
"description": "A vector with all components set to zero.",
"body": ["Vector3.zero"]
"MonoBehaviour Set": {
"prefix": "Vector3.Set()",
"description": "Sets the x, y, and z components of the vector.",
"body": ["Vector3.Set($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour MoveTowards": {
"prefix": "Vector3.MoveTowards()",
"description": "Moves a point towards a target point by a given speed.",
"body": ["Vector3.MoveTowards($1, $2, $3)"]
// Quaternion section
"MonoBehaviour identity": {
"prefix": "Quaternion.identity",
"description": "A quaternion with no rotation (identity quaternion).",
"body": ["Quaternion.identity"]
"MonoBehaviour LookRotation": {
"prefix": "Quaternion.LookRotation()",
"description": "Creates a rotation that looks in the specified direction.",
"body": ["Quaternion.LookRotation($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour Euler": {
"prefix": "Quaternion.Euler()",
"description": "Creates a quaternion rotation from Euler angles.",
"body": ["Quaternion.Euler($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour Slerp": {
"prefix": "Quaternion.Slerp()",
"description": "Interpolates between two quaternions using spherical linear interpolation.",
"body": ["Quaternion.Slerp($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour Angle": {
"prefix": "Quaternion.Angle()",
"description": "Returns the angle in degrees between two quaternions.",
"body": ["Quaternion.Angle($1, $2)"]
// Rigidbody section
"MonoBehaviour velocity": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.velocity",
"description": "Sets or gets the velocity of the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.velocity"]
"MonoBehaviour angularVelocity": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.angularVelocity",
"description": "Sets or gets the angular velocity of the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.angularVelocity"]
"MonoBehaviour maxAngularVelocity": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.maxAngularVelocity",
"description": "Sets or gets the maximum angular velocity of the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.maxAngularVelocity"]
"MonoBehaviour MovePosition": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.MovePosition()",
"description": "Moves the Rigidbody to a specific position.",
"body": ["rigidbody.MovePosition($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour MoveRotation": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.MoveRotation()",
"description": "Moves the Rigidbody to a specific rotation.",
"body": ["rigidbody.MoveRotation($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour AddForce": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.AddForce()",
"description": "Applies a force to the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.AddForce($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour AddTorque": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.AddTorque()",
"description": "Applies a torque to the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.AddTorque($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour AddExplosionForce": {
"prefix": "rigidbody.AddExplosionForce()",
"description": "Applies an explosion force to the Rigidbody.",
"body": ["rigidbody.AddExplosionForce($1, $2, $3)"]
// Collider section
"MonoBehaviour bounds": {
"prefix": "collider.bounds",
"description": "Gets the collider's bounding box in world space.",
"body": ["collider.bounds"]
"MonoBehaviour boundsExtentsX": {
"prefix": "collider.bounds.extents.x",
"description": "Gets the x-component of the collider's bounding box extents.",
"body": ["collider.bounds.extents.x"]
"MonoBehaviour OverlapSphere": {
"prefix": "Physics.OverlapSphere()",
"description": "Returns all colliders within a spherical area.",
"body": ["Physics.OverlapSphere($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour IgnoreCollision": {
"prefix": "Physics.IgnoreCollision()",
"description": "Ignores collision between two colliders.",
"body": ["Physics.IgnoreCollision($1, $2)"]
// Animation section
"MonoBehaviour Play": {
"prefix": "anim.Play()",
"description": "Plays the specified animation.",
"body": ["anim.Play($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour PlayQueued": {
"prefix": "anim.PlayQueued()",
"description": "Plays the animation in the queue.",
"body": ["anim.PlayQueued($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour Blend": {
"prefix": "anim.Blend()",
"description": "Blends between two animations.",
"body": ["anim.Blend($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour CrossFade": {
"prefix": "anim.CrossFade()",
"description": "Cross fades between animations.",
"body": ["anim.CrossFade($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour IsPlaying": {
"prefix": "anim.IsPlaying()",
"description": "Checks if an animation is currently playing.",
"body": ["anim.IsPlaying($1)"]
// Animator section
"MonoBehaviour SetBool": {
"prefix": "animator.SetBool()",
"description": "Sets a boolean parameter in the Animator.",
"body": ["animator.SetBool($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour SetFloat": {
"prefix": "animator.SetFloat()",
"description": "Sets a float parameter in the Animator.",
"body": ["animator.SetFloat($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour SetTrigger": {
"prefix": "animator.SetTrigger()",
"description": "Sets a trigger parameter in the Animator.",
"body": ["animator.SetTrigger($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour SetInteger": {
"prefix": "animator.SetInteger()",
"description": "Sets an integer parameter in the Animator.",
"body": ["animator.SetInteger($1, $2)"]
// Navigation section
"MonoBehaviour SetDestination": {
"prefix": "NavMeshAgent.SetDestination()",
"description": "Sets the destination for the NavMesh agent to move towards.",
"body": ["NavMeshAgent.SetDestination($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour CalculatePath": {
"prefix": "NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath()",
"description": "Calculates the path for the NavMesh agent to follow.",
"body": ["NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour corners": {
"prefix": "NavMeshPath.corners",
"description": "Gets the corners of the calculated NavMesh path.",
"body": ["NavMeshPath.corners"]
// Mouse Interface section
"MonoBehaviour IBeginDragHandler": {
"prefix": "IBeginDragHandler",
"description": "Handles the beginning of a drag event.",
"body": ["IBeginDragHandler"]
"MonoBehaviour IDragHandler": {
"prefix": "IDragHandler",
"description": "Handles the drag event.",
"body": ["IDragHandler"]
"MonoBehaviour IEndDragHandler": {
"prefix": "IEndDragHandler",
"description": "Handles the end of a drag event.",
"body": ["IEndDragHandler"]
"MonoBehaviour IDropHandler": {
"prefix": "IDropHandler",
"description": "Handles the drop event.",
"body": ["IDropHandler"]
"MonoBehaviour IPointerDownHandler": {
"prefix": "IPointerDownHandler",
"description": "Handles the pointer down event.",
"body": ["IPointerDownHandler"]
"MonoBehaviour IPointerUpHandler": {
"prefix": "IPointerUpHandler",
"description": "Handles the pointer up event.",
"body": ["IPointerUpHandler"]
// Miscellaneous section
"MonoBehaviour Abs": {
"prefix": "Mathf.Abs()",
"description": "Returns the absolute value of a number.",
"body": ["Mathf.Abs($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour Clamp": {
"prefix": "Mathf.Clamp()",
"description": "Clamps a value between a minimum and maximum range.",
"body": ["Mathf.Clamp($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour Invoke": {
"prefix": "Invoke()",
"description": "Invokes a method after a delay.",
"body": ["Invoke($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour InvokeRepeating": {
"prefix": "InvokeRepeating()",
"description": "Invokes a method repeatedly after a delay.",
"body": ["InvokeRepeating($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour CancelInvoke": {
"prefix": "CancelInvoke()",
"description": "Cancels a previously invoked method.",
"body": ["CancelInvoke($1)"]
"MonoBehaviour Range": {
"prefix": "Random.Range()",
"description": "Generates a random value within a specified range.",
"body": ["Random.Range($1, $2)"]
"MonoBehaviour SerializeField": {
"prefix": "[SerializeField]",
"description": "Marks a field to be serialized in the inspector.",
"body": ["[SerializeField]"]
"MonoBehaviour Instantiate": {
"prefix": "Instantiate()",
"description": "Instantiates a prefab at a specific position and rotation.",
"body": ["Instantiate($1, $2, $3)"]
"MonoBehaviour Destroy": {
"prefix": "Destroy()",
"description": "Destroys a game object after a specified time.",
"body": ["Destroy($1, $2)"]
// Camera section
"MonoBehaviour ScreenPointToRay": {
"prefix": "ScreenPointToRay()",
"description": "Converts a screen position to a ray in world space.",
"body": ["ScreenPointToRay($1)"]
// Coroutine section
"MonoBehaviour WaitUntil": {
"prefix": "yield return new WaitUntil()",
"description": "Waits until the condition is true.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitUntil(() => $1)"]
"MonoBehaviour WaitForSeconds": {
"prefix": "WaitForSeconds($1)",
"description": "지정된 초만큼 대기합니다.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitForSeconds($1);"]
"MonoBehaviour WaitForEndOfFrame": {
"prefix": "WaitForEndOfFrame",
"description": "프레임이 끝날 때까지 대기합니다.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();"]
"MonoBehaviour WaitForFixedUpdate": {
"prefix": "WaitForFixedUpdate",
"description": "물리 계산 후 대기합니다.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();"]
"MonoBehaviour WaitUntil": {
"prefix": "WaitUntil($1)",
"description": "특정 조건이 참이 될 때까지 대기합니다.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitUntil(() => $1);"]
"MonoBehaviour WaitWhile": {
"prefix": "WaitWhile($1)",
"description": "특정 조건이 거짓일 때까지 대기합니다.",
"body": ["yield return new WaitWhile(() => $1);"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.anyKeyDown": {
"prefix": "Input.anyKeyDown",
"description": "아무 키가 눌렸을 때 true를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["if (Input.anyKeyDown) { Debug.Log(\"아무 키를 누름\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetKeyDown": {
"prefix": "Input.GetKeyDown($1)",
"description": "지정한 키가 눌렸을 때 true를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetKeyDown($1)) { Debug.Log(\"$1 눌렀을 때\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetKey": {
"prefix": "Input.GetKey($1)",
"description": "지정한 키가 눌려져 있을 때 true를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetKey($1)) { Debug.Log(\"$1 누르는 중\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetKeyUp": {
"prefix": "Input.GetKeyUp($1)",
"description": "지정한 키가 떼졌을 때 true를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetKeyUp($1)) { Debug.Log(\"$1 뗐을 때\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetMouseButtonDown": {
"prefix": "Input.GetMouseButtonDown($1)",
"description": "마우스 버튼이 눌렸을 때 true를 반환합니다. 0은 왼쪽, 1은 오른쪽.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown($1)) { Debug.Log(\"마우스 $1 눌렀을 때\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetMouseButton": {
"prefix": "Input.GetMouseButton($1)",
"description": "마우스 버튼이 눌려져 있을 때 true를 반환합니다. 0은 왼쪽, 1은 오른쪽.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetMouseButton($1)) { Debug.Log(\"마우스 $1 누르는 중\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour Input.GetMouseButtonUp": {
"prefix": "Input.GetMouseButtonUp($1)",
"description": "마우스 버튼이 떼졌을 때 true를 반환합니다. 0은 왼쪽, 1은 오른쪽.",
"body": ["if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp($1)) { Debug.Log(\"마우스 $1 뗐을 때\"); }"]
"MonoBehaviour HeaderS": {
"prefix": "Header (Settings)",
"description": "Header",
"body": ["Header (\"Settings\")"]
"MonoBehaviour HeaderR": {
"prefix": "Header (References)",
"description": "Header",
"body": ["Header (\"References\")"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.forward": {
"prefix": "Vector3.forward",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 z축 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.forward"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.back": {
"prefix": "Vector3.back",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 z축 반대 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.back"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.up": {
"prefix": "Vector3.up",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 y축 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.up"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.down": {
"prefix": "Vector3.down",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 y축 반대 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.down"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.right": {
"prefix": "Vector3.right",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 x축 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.right"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.left": {
"prefix": "Vector3.left",
"description": "세계 좌표에서 x축 반대 방향으로 1의 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.left"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.one": {
"prefix": "Vector3.one",
"description": "x, y, z 값이 모두 1인 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.one"]
"MonoBehaviour Vector3.zero": {
"prefix": "Vector3.zero",
"description": "x, y, z 값이 모두 0인 벡터를 반환합니다.",
"body": ["Vector3.zero"]
"MonoBehaviour new Vector3": {
"prefix": "new Vector3($1, $2, $3)",
"description": "x, y, z 값으로 새로운 Vector3를 생성합니다.",
"body": ["new Vector3($1, $2, $3)"]